Medical Billing and Coding Specialist Program

Coding Specialist Program

Medical Billing and

Coding Specialist Program

Immediately seeking select candidates to join our team to become Certified Medical Billing and Coding Specialists for a new client!

Innovative Work Alternatives was founded by the mother of a special needs child after discovering that the structure of the corporate world no longer suited the medical needs, demands, and requirements of her family.

Virtual contract business options empowered her to work from home around the demands of her child’s disability. She has since been focused on empowering anyone else who wants to work from home with needs for scheduling flexibility.

IWA is seen as more than being “entrepreneurs”. The organization seeks to define themselves and others in that they are also able to help other people find their purpose and passion, gain control over their lives, and take control of their destiny!


Do you want to work from home and find legitimate sources to do so?


Do you have restricted hours or cannot work on the phones?


Are you having trouble finding work and want to consider other career alternatives?

Coding Specialist Program

Have you thought about becoming a certified medical billing and coding specialist but feel like it’s just too expensive and takes WAY too long to finish, AND all without any assistance in finding work in the field?

The demand for medical coding specialists is expected to grow 15% in the next few years!

These certified specialists can earn an average of $39,180-$57,680 per year! Medical billing and coding specialists are vital to the medical field and there is always more demand than certified specialists! Healthcare is one of the few “recession-proof” career fields, so the ability to continue working for many years to come in your new career can be expected.

Our Certified Medical Billing and Coding Specialist program is absolutely independently directed, which means you can advance at your very own self-pace. It’s irrefutably more sensible than various medical billing and coding development projects of the sort. Also, we engage you to join forces with the organization as an understudy intern to position you to increase your knowledge and gain income after course completion! With our organization, most positions allow you to start right after course training with no degree required! We’ll also provide you the help required from start to finish while enabling you to jump on board the claims processing development process as soon as possible.

Advantages Of Partnering With IWA Medical Billing & Coding Team:

Medical Billing & Coding

Build work around your lifestyle and process your claims at your own pace. The hourly production isn’t required, create your schedule around family, school, medical needs or other career paths.


It’s a short preparing period, your educational process is totally at your very own pace! Progress at your own pace, or breeze through the course and get it completed in a few months.


Majority of our Specialists work from their own homes, so no drive is required.


Leadership positions are available to enable you to generate additional income on top of your current income after completion.


The destiny of your new career path is totally within your control.


No mandatory phone requirements or clients to communicate with.


Entry level paid internship positions are made available after course completion.

What do we provide you here at IWA:


Self-paced courses and assessments to empower you to earn your certification. Take a look at the entire course description below.


After course completion, use the knowledge gained to obtain certification any place in the country!


A fresh new career path in a progressive industry with experience and workflow available upon successful course completion.

We know you are brilliantly amazing and capable.

We know you want to work and gain career alternatives best suited for you and your family. Our goal is to guide you in finding career preferences that flow with your lifestyle. We believe in you. Let us empower you to discover and create your career aspirations.

Here at IWA our medical billing and coding professional program includes 2 developmental phases

Phase 1:

Pre-work & Pre-assessments

(no pass or fail required, just a guide to show course progress from start to end)

Phase 2:

Upon satisfactory completion, select candidates gain experience processing with a paid internship. These select candidates receive career training submitting claims and begin their experience time required to register and proceed with their certification exam. Internship placement could vary quarterly based on provider placement availability. All qualified candidates that past the course satisfactory will be enlisted on our provider register till conditioned. This empowers those aligned with our company to establish experience and time requirements suggested to register and proceed with the NHA CBCS certification exam.

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